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Friday, November 04, 2005

A New Template For Classy Classical

I have to mention a big note of thanks to Thur's Templates for the new template design for Classy Classical. As you can see, I now have a three-column blog! This gives me a lot more room for different things that I will be adding down the line. A big step in the evolution of Classy Classical to be sure! Thanks Thur!

P.S. If anyone has any suggestions on what they would like to see added to Classy Classical, I am always ready to hear them!

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Comments on "A New Template For Classy Classical"


Blogger IchbineineTomate (Tomate Did What?!) said ... (9:04 PM, November 07, 2005) : 

Great design!


Blogger Chad Hille said ... (9:06 PM, November 07, 2005) : 

Thanks, KaliTime!!!


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