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Monday, October 31, 2005

The Last Words of the Great Composers

Have you ever wondered what Ludwig van Beethoven's last words were before his death? A somewhat macabre question, but totally appropriate on this Halloween evening. Here are some different composers' dying quotes:
  • "Friends applaud, the comedy is over." - Ludwig van Beethoven, March 26th, 1827

  • "The earth is suffocating... Swear to make them cut me open, so that I won't be buried alive." - Frederic Chopin, October 17th, 1849

  • "Now I have finished with all earthly business, and high time too. Yes, yes, my dear child, now comes death." - Franz Lehar, October 24th, 1948

  • "Ah, that tastes nice. Thank You." - Johannes Brahms, April 3rd, 1897

  • "What's this?" - Leonard Bernstein, October 14th, 1990

  • "I am a pianist." - John Field's response to the question "Are you a Papist or a Calvinist?", January 23rd, 1837

That's all I could find. Some people claim Beethoven's last words were "I shall hear in heaven," but that is more disputed than the above quote. If you have any more, write them in a comment.

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