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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Blog Promotion: FeedBurner, Chitika and MyBlogLog

So, I've been so busy with trying to promote the blog that I've been lacking on my content. To all the devoted readers out there, I'm so sorry. But I think you all will appreciate some of the changes. Let me tell you what I have done so far. For those of you who have a blog or website, get your pencils ready:

1. I have added a FeedBurner Feed. I got rid of that old-fashioned atom.xml feed that Blogger provides. Now you can add my feed to whatever newsreader or aggregator you use. Just use the simple buttons on the sidebar to add my feed.

2. I now have Chitika eMiniMalls. This is the ad you see at the top of the page here. It will display relevant products to the context of my site, although I can't set it to contextual mode because it would conflict with the Google AdSense's terms of service. It is still really cool because it displays a product, description, best deals, and a search box. Also if you have a website or blog of your own, you can click this link to apply to put Chitika on your site. I highly recommend it.

3. I now have MyBlogLog. It is an excellent tracking feature that tells webmasters where their traffic is coming from and where it is going. It is a free service, but one can also pay a small fee to get much more detailed and powerful statistics. To sign up, click this link.

Well, those are the major updates I have made to the site in the last few days, and you can see why I haven't updated the content. However, that will all change because I intend to update much, much more frequently starting today. Don't forget to subscribe to the feed. Thanks.

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Comments on "Blog Promotion: FeedBurner, Chitika and MyBlogLog"


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:08 AM, November 01, 2005) : 

Should try out our link logger -

Free, and more features :)


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