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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Mozart's Music Diary Goes Interactive

Ok. I know. I've been posting way too much about Mozart lately! I just can't help it. I'm sorry.

This is certainly worthy of a post, though!!!

I just found out that Mozart's "Verzeichnis aller meiner Werke" is now available in a super high-tech format to browse for free at the British Library's website.

This is a journal that Mozart himself kept with a chronology of his composed works and a short thematic example for each. However, only Kochel Nos. 459 - 623 are contained within its pages.

The presentation of the catalogue is simply remarkable. A job well done by the British Library! A Macromedia Shockwave application, you can turn the pages yourself, zoom in with a magnifying glass, listen to the audio excerpt, read a text description of each page and listen to audio commentary on each entry as well. Probably the coolest feature of all is when you have a section of text magnified with the magnifying glass, you can hit a button called "transcription" and by sheer magic, Mozart's flowery handwriting turns into something much, much more legible. Brilliance!!!


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Comments on "Mozart's Music Diary Goes Interactive"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:10 PM, January 17, 2006) : 

another source for Top-40 classical music. when I turn on the radio, all I hear is Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach. things that have been over-represented for centuries.

why don't you cover some classical music that NEEDS exposure??????

for instance, obscure medieval monks that wrote amazing pieces, or great 20th century composers like Georgy Ligetti?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:35 PM, April 01, 2006) : 

"...great 20th century composers like Georgy Ligetti?"

I haven't yet heard anything by György Ligeti that would classify him as a "great 20th century composer". How about "great 20th century noise maker"?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:56 AM, June 13, 2006) : 

hello, cool blog you have. i always enjoy stopping by to see what's new! i finally started up my own blog, and added a link to you on my "blogroll". i'd really appreciate a link back from your blog...but in any case, keep up the good blogging!


Blogger Ashley said ... (12:33 PM, November 29, 2006) : 

Great Blog, you are doing a good job. Swing by mine, check it out, leave a comment or sign my guestbook


Blogger Unknown said ... (8:13 PM, March 19, 2010) : 

wow, looks really impresive! and it's a really good idea from the british library


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