214 Years Ago Today: The Death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
![]() Get out your recording of Mozart's Requiem and give it a spin, for on this day in 1791 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart passed away. "Lacrimosa dies illa, Qua resurget ex favilla Iudicandus homo reus." - "Ah! That day of tears and mourning! From the dust of earth returning man for judgement must prepare him." Mozart died around 1 A.M. while working on the very Requiem I have just quoted. An eerie thought indeed, to think of Mozart working on a death mass as he died. The cause of Mozart's death is somewhat of a mystery although many scholars agree that it was probably Rheumatic Fever. Likewise, most scholars agree that it is preposterous to think that Salieri poisoned Mozart. So, Requiem Aeternam, Dear Mozart, For your music lives on! Labels: Mozart |
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Comments on "214 Years Ago Today: The Death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"
A say day indeed. Thanks for making me aware of your blog. The Salieri article is very good. 5/12 is a day made for listening K626.